Last week, we wrapped on Vivienne Again (short film). It was a 3-day shoot in a funeral home in the middle of Manhattan. We shot 22+ scenes on the RED camera working with 9 actors, 5 extras, a crew that numbered in the thousands (yet still, we needed more hands). We shot interiors, exteriors (including fire escapes), used a jib and a dolly, incorporated stunts and makeup FX, fought rain and one buzzkill of a neighbor (I'm still shaking my fist at you, old dude!)... and through it all, we kicked ass!
The cast and crew I worked with last weekend were extraordinary. A HUGE thank you goes out to everyone who worked so hard to shoot this film -- it took all of us to pull this off and I'm very grateful.
Next up, we're going into post-production on the film and building a full website to showcase cast and crew bios, lots of pix and a screening schedule. Until then, please keep checking our Facebook page for updates - we have productions stills up now - and watch out for a trailer we're aiming to cut soon. Rock on, film friends!